Thursday, January 29, 2015



基本上是自己随性的煮 煮的过程最好是快,简单,短时间可以吃

午餐多数是自己准备 偶尔在外面吃 不过会尽量选择少油的食物  

通常会准备一or两个菜 (Brocolli spinach 白菜,Yao Mark 等等) 豆腐 鸡胸肉 蛋 三文鱼 


食材用Raw Food为这个概念, 尽量不加工食品 

Hotdog,hams,cheese,Mr Potato 署片,苏打饼干,白面包都不能吃,还有快熟面 (以前一个星期会吃一次) -这些都是我平常爱吃的

这一个月里面我都没吃 !!! 好开心 

每天都写饮食日记 有时可以帮助了解自己对食物的渴望 

意思是有时会很 Craving for sweet, cheese food 。。。所以我在这一个月这样吃后 没有对甜的食物 有特别的 craving 

可能都会吃到饱 没有挨饿 所以不会乱乱想要吃别的食物

鼓励鼓励一下 ~ 也有几天是外吃 KimChi BBQ (吃到很饱),Pork Rib ~ Spagetti ~ Nando 尽量选吃肉和蔬菜 

给自己一个改变的机会 我要变瘦 瘦得有线条 我要瘦得健康 生理机能变年轻 人也变年轻

继续努力 !

1 Jan :  70kg
26 Jan : 68.5kg 

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

DIY Detox Drink

Included: Watermelon/cucumber, lemon/lime, mint leaves, and water

You will need…
-1-2 liters’ of water, depending on how strong you want it to taste
-Part of 1 watermelon or 1 cucumber
-1 lemon or lime
-A handful of fresh mint leaves (approximately 10-13)
-Ice cubes

Slice up a good amount of watermelon into cubes, rind and all, and put them into a jug or pitcher. Cut 1 juicy lime into wedges and toss in with the watermelon. Add a handful of fresh, fragrant, mint leaves and pour in 2 liters of cool water, filling the jug all the way to the top. Let this sit overnight in the fridge and let all the yummy flavors steep and infuse the water. When you want to drink it, put in a generous helping of ice cubes, pour, and enjoy daily.

We all have different tastes and preferences, and like to mix things up every once in a while too. Experiment by trying out various ingredients, amounts, and methods (like blending, or boiling into a tea, or infusing into water, etc.) Below is a list of foods that have been shown to help boost your built-in detox system (namely liver, G.I., and kidney function.) If possible, always buy organic to avoid chemical ingredients or pesticides.

Cruciferous vegetables & leafy greens: This group includes a lot of veggie superheroes, and is why you see so many “green” detox drinks or smoothies. Included are broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, bok choy, and spinach. Broccoli and co. increases the amount of glucosinolate (organic compounds) in our body, which in turn help create enzymes that help our body’s breakdown and digest things. Leafy greens like lettuce and bok choy have the ability to neutralize metals, chemicals, and pesticides that find their way into our systems.

Avocado: Avocados can help your body produce an antioxidant, glutathione, which our liver needs to do its job and filter properly.

Grapefruit: High in antioxidants and vitamin C, grapefruit or grapefruit juice also aids the liver in flushing carcinogens (things linked to causing cancer, like stuff in cigarettes and tobacco, as well as some pre-prepared foods) and possibly pesticides out of the body.

Beets: The systems in the body all work together, and for various reasons beets seem to be helpful to more than one major organ. However, they’ve shown themselves to be particularly helpful when it comes to aiding the liver in detoxification.
If it’s chilly, try making some detox tea to keep you warm and healthy, or mix up an icy cool drink in hot weather. Play around with what you like and keep in mind things you know are good for your body’s own detox system-not things that claim to be a miracle detox system all on their own.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hiking during peak durian season

I have routine of hiking at least 5 times a week for almost a months.

Although it has not much changes in my weight lose ... I still want to share how good is hiking is good for body and mind.

When hiking become routine, I dont want this activities has loss its fun and joy. So, every time I will try to see is there any group that I could follow along to discover new route of hiking place, either long or short distances.
If really no one I can join, I will take stone pathway mix with jungle trail.I truly enjoyed the moment when the drop of sweat from my face till body.
To mention, this month is peak durian season. There are many durian trees in BJ hill along the jungle trail. You can see many hikers made effort patrol around the jungle areas which has durian trees to get 'durian'. Iam so lucky to have chance to eat durian treat by the owner after my hike. ( My favorite )  

Near the bj hill has stall sell vege & durian. The average price RM5 - 15, depends on the size of durian. Durians - King of fruit !  You either love them or hate them.
If someone were to ask you what smells horrible but tastes heavenly, you can bet the answer is none other than durians!
Of course not everyone will agree with this. One good example is yours truly. I love the smell of durians and I love the taste even more!
Yea! This times I also got to know a new trail called "625" - which consider a short trail. It only take around 20-30 minutes to reach to the half top. So, this trail is good option for me after work. Normally I will spend around 15 minutes for stretching / body workout.

I still want to say hiking is really a good activities. Beside can have a nice view, fresh air, and the smells of nature. Hiking is a powerful cardio workout that boasts all the health benefits of walking, including less risk of heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, and colon cancer, as well as better blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Because hiking is a weight-bearing exercise -- you’re moving against gravity while staying upright -- it boosts bone density and helps combat osteoporosis (thinning bones )

Hiking is also good for muscle strength. The activity targets your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, and lower leg muscles. It works your shoulders, strengthens your core, and improves balance. And hiking can help you control your weight.
It's also a powerful mood booster. "Research shows that hiking has a positive impact on combating the symptoms of stress and anxiety," says Gregory A. Miller, PhD, president of the American Hiking Society. "Being in nature is ingrained in our DNA, and we sometimes forget that."

Friday, September 6, 2013

Reason I should work out today

Its utmost crucial to establish right mentality and attitude towards exercise for weight loss. Why I focus on exercise instead of food ? Throughout my weight lose journey of 5 months, I realized the exercise workout has help me a lot in losing weight, instead of control the food intake. However, I do keep the right mindset on the food I consume as well. Throughout this process, it helps me feel great about what myself when seeing the weight loss naturally, and feel content when I could keep it doing as at today.

If compare with my previous experience, I felt struggle when I feel I should go exercise but my body don't really want to do it. What I do differently is I commit to myself that I will go to workout/ exercise no matter how I feel / how my body feel..I will keep going, and continue as part of my daily routine. 
Of course, by identify the reason why you want to exercise can keep you motivated. Identify the most important reason why you keep it going . 

For me, exercise can help me improve mental health - like combat depression and lift my mood. Everyday we're facing lots of challenges, problems and pressure along the way in our daily / work life. If we do not handle it carefully, it might turn out become stress for us. Thus,  exercise is a stress relief. Intense exercise increases the release of those chemicals (endorphins, adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine) in my body. Of course, exercise make you feel good or confident about yourself, weight loss, accelerate blood circulation, and so on. Identify one or two make the most impact to you, and hold unto it. There are 100 reasons you should work out today..

Make a list of places that you would like to go for exercise instead of stick to one place. This will make your weight loss journey excited, refresh, and fun. Why I say so? last night was raining after work, and in my mind has auto prompted out few places that I could go to continue my workout even its raining day. Finally, I go to botanical garden for the workout, and the view during raining day amazingly refresh. WoW~ the scene was beautiful, filled with tress, flowers, monkeys ... It really touched me when I've spotted the monkey's mummy or daddy carried the baby monkey travel from one place to another. Love never limited to human being, and God is Love whose every nature is Love. The living creation of God filled with love and passion. Yeah..Let's keep believing and keep going on this journey as part of my life.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Oh ~ How to make Kimchi at home

One of my most happy moment was I'm so enjoyed making my own Kimchi. This ingredient was shared by my most close friends ~ I called her Vil. She is a food lover, enjoyed cooking , and of course she was creative to share her modification Kimchi recipe with me. The recipe has putting lots of effort to produce the most nearer taste of Kimchi we used to eat at Daorae Korean BBQ Restaurants. 

I must said this was my third or forth times in making the Kimchi,and this time I was totally satisfied with the taste and outlook ( in term of coloring ) of Kimchi I made. :) :)
Well ~ it pretty simple for me to prepare the ingredient and I can easily got all i needed from hypermarket. The cost was so much cheaper compare to buy it! I was addicted to eat kimchi as side dishes in every daily meal. 

What you need : 
1 head napa cabbage
1 piece of green pear 
9-10 tablespoon of sea salt
Water (see Recipe Notes)
1 bulb of garlic (about 8-9 cloves)
1 teaspoon grated ginger 
2 teaspoon of curry powder
5 tablespoons of red pepper flakes 
3 tablespoons of fish sauce
4 scallions, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces
Small bowl of small dried fish 

1. Cut the cabbage. Cut the cabbage lengthwise into quarters and remove the cores. Cut each quarter crosswise into 2-inch-wide strips. 

2. Salt the cabbage. Place the cabbage and salt in a large bowl. Using your hands (gloves optional), massage the salt into the cabbage until it starts to soften a bit, then add water to cover the cabbage. Put a plate on top and weigh it down with something heavy, like a jar or can of beans. Let stand for 12 hours. 

3. Rinse and drain the cabbage. Rinse the cabbage under cold water 3 times and drain in a colander for 15-20 minutes. Rinse and dry the bowl you used for salting, and set it aside to use in step 5. 

4. Make the paste. Meanwhile, combine the garlic, ginger, sugar, and fish sauce paste(or 5 tablespoons water) in a small bowl and blend all the ingredients become liquid sauce.

5. Mix thoroughly. Using your hands, gently work the paste into the vegetables until they are thoroughly coated. The gloves are optional here but highly recommended to protect your hands from stings, stains, and smells!

6. Pack the kimchi into the jar. Pack the kimchi into the jar, pressing down on it until the brine rises to cover the vegetables.

7. Let it ferment. Let the jar stand at room temperature for at least 48 hours. If you prefer sour taste, you may leave it more than 48 hours.

8. Check it daily and refrigerate when ready. Check the kimchi once a day, pressing down on the vegetables with a clean finger or spoon to keep them submerged under the brine. (This also releases gases produced during fermentation.) Taste a little at this point, too! When the kimchi tastes ripe enough for your liking, transfer the jar to the refrigerator. 

9. You may eat it right away, and I really enjoy to eat as side dishes and make my favorite Kimchi soup. 

Hiking Trip to Celuk Tokun Hill | Bukit Mertajam | Penang

I had a marvelous & fantastic time hike to Celuk Tokun Hill along with Penang Adventure Club ( PAC). Cheruk To'kun is located in eastern of Bukit Mertajam (BM)Province situated in the mainland side of Penang state, northern part of Malaysia. 

Bukit Tokun or Tokun Hill or Cherok To’kun hill (however you want to call this place) is really great, vibrant, happening and has an incredibly beautiful view right at the wooden platform. 

Early in the morning, we're gathered at Butterworth railway station, and going to Tokun hill by bus. Our group has total of 22 person. Around 9am, PAC captain Mr Wong started briefing and registered the member for this trip. PAC has partnered with Tokun Hiking Group to facilitate us. 

It took around 1 hours and 30 minutes hiked to the top of the Tokun Hill. ( Pic with power station ). The starting hiking trail was easy walk way. After 20 minutes hike, we have our first pit stop. The rest house was served with hot coffee and tea. Sister and I just enjoyed the scene and fresh air in the jungle.

For the next 30 minutes, the BM facilitator started leading us using hiking trail with more steep hike step go up all the way, and go down again. On the 2nd Pit Stop, our shirt was practically wet, but we still looking forward to have similar tough trail to challenged. At the second pit stop - Called 3 stones which these 3 stone was lined up and might has stop the landslide. We took another 40 minutes to reach the top of the hill. 

About 11.30am, we finally has reached the top and the view was astonished when we can see the Mengkuang Dam and clouds from wooden platform. We were up on a really beautiful mountain view. Praise to the Lord for this beautiful creation. Oh God, You're God of creator !!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Bukit Jambul Hiking Journey

After loss for 2 kgs in 1st month, I've decided to take up hiking as alternate way to loss weight. Hiking not only help me to burn more calories than I'm going for simple walk, but I can enjoy the beauty of natural setting where I'm hike. 

Near my house has a small hill called Bukit Jambul hill, its about 5 minutes from my house, and is situated just opposite INTI College in Pennag, and near the Equatorial Hotel. 
I've incorporated hiking to Bukit Jambul hill in my daily exercise routine. I'll hike at least 2-3 times per week. The hill is not long, with normal speed, I will able reach the top within 20-30 mins to reach the top.

As time goes by, I've built up my stamina in hiking up to the top. I can reach the top within 15 mins, and it no longer enough for me, because I do not feel any stretch anymore. 
So, I will use another trail go down to the mid of the staircase and hike again to the top. With this I normally spend 15 mins go to the top, and 10 mins go down, and another 10 mins go up again. After reaching the top, I will spend 10-15 mins to do stretching to complete the hiking session. 

Throughout the hiking journey, my stamina in walking and hiking has increased, and Iam able to do long hike for more than 60 minutes. While hiking, I really enjoy the natural view along the way. Various kind of flower, tree, leaves, mushroom, ant, chameleon, scorpion or even snake become my companion. :)
Up to now, my weight has been reduced to 63.5kg from 74kg within 4 months period. When I look back, the weight loss journey never be an easy, but is not as hard as I thought. Life is not waiting for the storms to's learning to dance in the rain. The only disability in life is a bad attitude." - Scott Hamilton