Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hiking during peak durian season

I have routine of hiking at least 5 times a week for almost a months.

Although it has not much changes in my weight lose ... I still want to share how good is hiking is good for body and mind.

When hiking become routine, I dont want this activities has loss its fun and joy. So, every time I will try to see is there any group that I could follow along to discover new route of hiking place, either long or short distances.
If really no one I can join, I will take stone pathway mix with jungle trail.I truly enjoyed the moment when the drop of sweat from my face till body.
To mention, this month is peak durian season. There are many durian trees in BJ hill along the jungle trail. You can see many hikers made effort patrol around the jungle areas which has durian trees to get 'durian'. Iam so lucky to have chance to eat durian treat by the owner after my hike. ( My favorite )  

Near the bj hill has stall sell vege & durian. The average price RM5 - 15, depends on the size of durian. Durians - King of fruit !  You either love them or hate them.
If someone were to ask you what smells horrible but tastes heavenly, you can bet the answer is none other than durians!
Of course not everyone will agree with this. One good example is yours truly. I love the smell of durians and I love the taste even more!
Yea! This times I also got to know a new trail called "625" - which consider a short trail. It only take around 20-30 minutes to reach to the half top. So, this trail is good option for me after work. Normally I will spend around 15 minutes for stretching / body workout.

I still want to say hiking is really a good activities. Beside can have a nice view, fresh air, and the smells of nature. Hiking is a powerful cardio workout that boasts all the health benefits of walking, including less risk of heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, and colon cancer, as well as better blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Because hiking is a weight-bearing exercise -- you’re moving against gravity while staying upright -- it boosts bone density and helps combat osteoporosis (thinning bones )

Hiking is also good for muscle strength. The activity targets your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, and lower leg muscles. It works your shoulders, strengthens your core, and improves balance. And hiking can help you control your weight.
It's also a powerful mood booster. "Research shows that hiking has a positive impact on combating the symptoms of stress and anxiety," says Gregory A. Miller, PhD, president of the American Hiking Society. "Being in nature is ingrained in our DNA, and we sometimes forget that."

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