Friday, July 26, 2013


Successful long term weight loss for me is about making small and progressive changes to my daily exercise and eating habits.

To help me make those changes, tracking and monitoring the progress of my weight is important. I keep a simple weight loss journal in calender, and it really help me a lot to see the progress.

My weight loss journal entry examples as below : -
I keep a simple monthly goal :
Weight Now : 74.1kg 
April 's Goal : 72kg 

Date & Time          Exercise/ Activity             Duration                  
 7 Apr 6pm            Walking & Workout         60min & 5 min       
 8 Apr 6pm            Walking & Workout           80 min & 5 min        
 9 Apr 9am            Walking & workout           60min & 5 min      
10 Apr 9.30am        Walking & workout          60 min & 5min  
11 Apr (2 session ) 
a.10:15am                                                    60min
b. 5.30pm             Walking & Workout          80min & 10 min      
12 Apr 4.30pm      Walking & workout           120min  
13 Apr                  Rest day 
14 Apr                  Walking & swimming         30min & 30min 

Normally I will take a weight records by every Sun ( in the evening ) 
My weight on 14 April - 73.7kg.
By end of April I've attained 71.3kg 

My focus is on daily WALKING exercise. 
I don't intended change my daily diet plan. I keep right portion of food in my daily meal. 

Example of my meal records as below : - 
Breakfast ~ Cereal / Coffee + 2 pieces of bread with butter
Lunch ~ Small portion of rice / noddle/ pasta + vege + meat 
Tea Time ~ 1 pieces of bread
Dinner ~ Small portion of rice + vege + lean meat / fish / tofu + soup 

Walking is my focus in weight loss journey. I always make sure I've walk with intense and speed walk pace at least 30 min to achieve optimize result.

Step 1 : Warm-up

Walking at warm-up pace for five to 10 minutes to tells your muscles they cant just sit back and burn up the available sugars, they need to call on the fat reserves. 

STEP 2 - Walk and speed up the walking pace 
The speed to walk for optimal fat-burning is a "determined" pace. At this rate, You should be breathing noticeably but able to carry on a conversation in full sentences. You can feel as intense as when you're walking fast because you're 10 minutes late for an important appointment. That's how Marilyn L. Bach describe it in her book " Shape walking". 

Walk at this speed for at least 30 minutes at a time to ensure you are dipping into your stored fat. 

Step 3 - Walking faster and faster :) 
Finish your walking workout faster at a set of distance. Like me, I walk the same route every time, and I can time how soon I could finish 7km walk each time. 

Step 4 - Cool down & Body Stretching 
Every sessions of walking should end with stretching. 

  • Always warm up before your stretch. Stretching cold muscles can cause injury
  • Stretch slowly and gently. Breathe into your stretch to avoid muscle tension. Relax and hold each stretch 10 to 30 seconds
  • Do not bounce your stretches. Ballistic (bouncy) stretching can cause injury
  • Stretching should not hurt. If you feel pain, take the stretch easier, breathe deeply and relax into it 

How long and how often you can walk definitely depends on You. 今天的我,是昨天的我所造成的. 明天的我,也是今天的我所造成的! Today I, be the result of tomorrow, I yesterday I, caused by me today too.
Tomorrow, what do I really want to achieve ? Today, I must do with all my heart, all my mind and all my soul. Give out my very best in every workout session. Without objective, without determination, without perseverance, its impossible to see the RESULT of tomorrow. Now ~ You have goal. Now ~ Take action and believe your dream become closer! 

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