Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Bukit Jambul Hiking Journey

After loss for 2 kgs in 1st month, I've decided to take up hiking as alternate way to loss weight. Hiking not only help me to burn more calories than I'm going for simple walk, but I can enjoy the beauty of natural setting where I'm hike. 

Near my house has a small hill called Bukit Jambul hill, its about 5 minutes from my house, and is situated just opposite INTI College in Pennag, and near the Equatorial Hotel. 
I've incorporated hiking to Bukit Jambul hill in my daily exercise routine. I'll hike at least 2-3 times per week. The hill is not long, with normal speed, I will able reach the top within 20-30 mins to reach the top.

As time goes by, I've built up my stamina in hiking up to the top. I can reach the top within 15 mins, and it no longer enough for me, because I do not feel any stretch anymore. 
So, I will use another trail go down to the mid of the staircase and hike again to the top. With this I normally spend 15 mins go to the top, and 10 mins go down, and another 10 mins go up again. After reaching the top, I will spend 10-15 mins to do stretching to complete the hiking session. 

Throughout the hiking journey, my stamina in walking and hiking has increased, and Iam able to do long hike for more than 60 minutes. While hiking, I really enjoy the natural view along the way. Various kind of flower, tree, leaves, mushroom, ant, chameleon, scorpion or even snake become my companion. :)
Up to now, my weight has been reduced to 63.5kg from 74kg within 4 months period. When I look back, the weight loss journey never be an easy, but is not as hard as I thought. Life is not waiting for the storms to's learning to dance in the rain. The only disability in life is a bad attitude." - Scott Hamilton 

Worship Song | 勇敢走出去

勇敢走出去 歌詞




縱然有許多的問題 我也不放棄
祢大能賜給我勇氣 我會 勇敢走出去


This is my new favorite song. It's true that I am not perfect nor am I special, but the Lord gave His life for me. Today, I come before the Lord to once again commit myself to following Him. If it were up to me, I would not hesitate nor would I have any regrets about following Him. But, sometimes I really hate how weak I am. I know what I should do, but I do not have the strength to do so. I need the Lord to keep me on track with this commitment! I'm a work in progress and everyday I will see my growth in Him (albeit baby steps).

Monday, August 5, 2013

Breakthrough Living 2013

God is Good, all the time.
In my prayer, God told me that I'm justified & declared innocent. 
I was made righteousness not because of what I have did, who Iam, but because of Who You Are, and simply because of Jesus's blood.
God has reminded in the prayer that I live for Him alone, He is my Cornerstone that I hope built on nothing less than Jesus's blood and righteousness.I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly trust in Jesus's name. 
Amazing thing happened to me everyday. People that I love, care, help and touch their heart as how God touched me.  
Iam not live by people's opinion towards me
Iam not live by people's thought about me
Iam not live by people's expectation towards me.

All the limitation thought, curse has been break in Jesus name, and God has restored me with HOPE, FAITH, AND LOVE. The power of God is The greatness of God's infinite power.
Breakthrough happen in my life right now. Yes, NOW! 
My potential has been unlocked. 
Believe in my dream has been unlocked. 
My thought determine my life. How I see myself will determine how people see me. 
My thought renewed everyday. My thought has been changed and align with God's word. 
Changing in my thinking, changing in my strategy and changing in my way how to see things, people, and myself.  I'm rooted in Christ like a tree at the stream water.

The power of fullness of God has been released.
I've new encounter with God in my daily journey. 
I've new excited and amazing experience in  my daily walk with God.  
I'm blessed with such wonderful & brilliant people around me.
I'm blessed with awe-inspiring things happen in my life, family and friends.
I'm blessed with the compassion heart towards people I'm engaged.
I'm blessed that God has released healing towards my health, family, and God has healed my Father from cancer. 
I'm blessed with health. 
I'm blessed with all the favor has given to me along my life.
I'm blessed with enjoyable and fantastic job offer. 
I'm blessed in my financial, job, career, relationship, life partner.
I'm blessed with right match of life partner. 
I'm blessed with joy, peace, and love in my life.
I'm blessed with Vision that I've serve the living God with all my heart, my mind, and my soul.
I'm blessed with dream to pursue along my life.
I'm blessed !!! I'm blessed !!! I'm blessed !!! I'm blessed !!! 

My hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus' blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
but wholly trust in Jesus' name

[Verse 1]

Christ alone, Cornerstone
Weak made strong, in the Savior's love
Through the storm
He is Lord, Lord of All

-Verse 2-
When darkness seems to hide His face
I rest on His unchanging grace
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil

My anchor holds within the veil


He is Lord, Lord of all

[Chorus 2x]

-Verse 3-
Then He shall come with trumpets sound
Oh, may I then in Him be found
Dressed in His righteousness alone
faultless, stand before the throne